среда, 13 октября 2010 г.

Code of a Teacher

- You must be ready with your homework for each class. Otherwise you will get a bad mark.
- If you miss the class, you will have to bring a note from your parents or a sick note from the doctor.
- You are not allowed to speak simultaneously with the teacher. If you want to say something, raise your hand.
- You will be have an opportunity to rewrite each final test if you’ve got a bad mark.
- All new words, which you have come across doing your homework, must be translated and pronounced correctly.
- Each lesson 5 of you will be given cards with 1 or 2 exercises and 5-7 minutes to finish the task.
- You’re going to write vocabulary tests quite often. Your task is to learn all the words but you can do it any way you like. So it’s up to you whether to write glossary or not. I’m going to check only your knowledge.
      These are general requirements. However, there will be specific ones concerning certain tasks I’m going to give you.

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